R. Alamsyah --- Jakarta


title:       "Satiri Sahabatku Pahlawan Betawi"
version:     "008d---02-Sep-2022"
copyright:   "2021-2022"
description: >- 
     Situs ini dibuat sebagai peringatan wafatnya bang Satiri atau
     Dr. Ir. Satiri Muhammad Zen, MBA yang meninggalkan kita pada tanggal 25 Juni 2021 yang lalu.
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google_analytics: "G-TBJQMLRG9T"
author:           "R. Alamsyah"
address:          "Jakarta"
sitemap:          "true"
  - jekyll-sitemap
  - jekyll-seo-tag
urlweb:           ""
urlcontact:       "TBS"
urlgithub:        ""
urlghpage:        ""
keywords:         "Dr. Ir. Satiri Muhammad Zen, MBA"
github:           [metadata]

layout: "layout"
title: Satiri Sahabatku Pahlawan Betawi

<span style="color:red; font-weight:bold; font-size:larger;">WORK IN PROGRESS</span>

Situs ini dibuat sebagai peringatan wafatnya bang Satiri atau
Dr. Ir. Satiri Muhammad Zen, MBA yang meninggalkan kita pada tanggal 25 Juni 2021 yang lalu.
Ebook berikut ini merupakan adaptasi tulisan dari {{}} 


### [Satiri Sahabatku Pahlawan Betawi (eBook)](/LaTeX/Satiri.pdf)


\newcommand{\rev}{08 - 02-Sep-2022}
% REV08: Fri 02 Sep 2022 11:00
% REV07: Tue 20 Jul 2021 17:00
% REV06: Tue 20 Jul 2021 16:00
% REV05: Tue 20 Jul 2021 05:00
% START: Thu 15 Jul 2021 11:00

\usepackage[a4paper, margin=50pt]{geometry}

% Should be loaded after the hyperref and bookmark packages
% \counterwithout{chapter}{part}

    R. Alamsyah\\
Sahabatku Pahlawan Betawi




    \textbf{\Large \judul}


    \textbf{\Large \pengarangs}



       \url{} \\[10pt]
       Rev. \rev%

    \textbf{\LARGE \textcolor{red}{***** Work In Progress *****}}







\item \textbf{Disclaimer}: Ini hanya cerita, walaupun berdasarkan kejadian nyata.
\item \textbf{Acknowlegment}:  Terima kasih buat yang sudah menambahkan info seputar Satiri melalui komentar dan japri. From people for people.

\textbf{\Large \pengarangs}
=== Rev. \rev ===



\textbf{\LARGE \textcolor{red}{***** Work In Progress *****}}

% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% End of document.
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


source ''

gem 'jekyll-sitemap'
gem 'github-pages', group: :jekyll_plugins
gem "addressable"
gem "nokogiri"
gem "faraday-retry"
gem 'webrick'


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# REV02 Tue 20 Jul 2021 04:36:02 WIB
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ALL: 000.pmd _config.yml Gemfile _layouts/layout.html Makefile \
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.phony: ALL


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 Shamelessly stolen from "Here, There, and Everywhere",
 including but not limited to "bootstrap", "stack overflow", 
 "Mike Dane", "w3schools", et al.

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<!-- File _includes/google-analytics.html         -->
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  gtag('js', new Date());

  gtag('config', '{{ site.google_analytics }}');


# (c) 2011 Brice Fernandes. This script was ripped from 
# Note: This script is outdated.  
# The author uses Handlebars.js or Pystache for the same purpose.
# Usage: 
#     python .program/ < in.pmd >

import sys
import re
import shlex
import subprocess as sp
exe_pat = re.compile(r'(\s*)\(!>(.*)<\)\s*')
inc_pat = re.compile(r'(\s*)\(>(.*)<\)\s*')
if __name__ == "__main__":
  for line in sys.stdin:
    match_exe = re.match(exe_pat, line)
    match_inc = re.match(inc_pat, line)

    if match_exe:
      space =
      exe =
      args = shlex.split(exe)
          lambda x: space+x+"\n", 

    elif match_inc:
      space =
      inc =
          lambda x: space+x, 


© 2021-2022 --- R. Alamsyah --- Revision: 008d---02-Sep-2022.